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Join date: Jun 3, 2022


The document contains the binary version of a file, but the file is not compressed; that is, the file's actual contents can be distinguished without decompression. The type is an archive type, such as ZIP.A directory is a special type of file that stores other files. As the name suggests, directories have the structure of other files, but do not contain any content of their own. They merely point to other files or directories.Editors: This property is used to switch the editor selected by the Property Sheet.EnableScriptCommand, EnableScriptControl : This property can help you to edit the text in the script editor.Type : This property tells you what kind of file this property is.Comments : This property is used to add a comment to the file.Created : This property is used to identify when a file was created.Producer : This property is used to identify who created the file.Company : This property is used to identify the company or organization that created the file.Title : This property is used to identify a title for the file.Subject : This property is used to identify the subject for the file.Keywords : This property is used to identify the keywords for the file.Category : This property is used to identify the category for the file.Publisher : This property is used to identify the publisher for the file.Language : This property is used to identify the language for the file.Display : This property is used to identify the display format for the file.Size : This property is used to identify the size for the file.FileVersion : This property is used to identify the version of the file.ProductVersion : This property is used to identify the product version.OriginalFileName : This property is used to identify the original name of the file.Comments : This property is used to add a comment to the file.Copyright : This property is used to identify the author of the file.CreationTime : This property is used to identify when the file was created.LastModDate : This property is used to identify when the file was last modified.Product : This property is used to identify the product that the file was created with.Type : This property is used to identify the type of file that the property is.Comment : This property is 08929e5ed8

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